Cusco, Cuzco or Qosqo, which in the Quechua word means “navel of the world”, is the oldest living city on the continent (5000 BC).
It is only a 45 minute flight from Lima, the Capital of Peru. It is also possible to arrive via land transport, the journey takes approximately 22 hours, so if it is your first time traveling to high altitude areas, we recommend that you have a pill on hand for soroche (or altitude sickness).
Other interesting facts about Cusco is that this city was founded by the Spanish in 1534, so until today you can appreciate very clearly the fusion of both cultures, a clear example of this is the Coricancha Temple, architectural remains which served as the foundations for the Santo Domingo Convent.
Machu Picchu, the most important tourist attraction in Peru, The Church of the Company of Jesus (considered one of the most beautiful churches on the continent), the Barrio de San Blas, the Incas’ Sacred Valley, the Inca Trail network (48km Trekking route that connects Cusco with the Archaeological Complex of Machu Picchu).
Visit the TUNUPA Restaurant, which has 2 locations, one in the Plaza de Armas in Cusco or the other in the Sacred Valley. If you want to add it to your Package, just let us know and we’ll help you book a reservation.
Photos by Tuntupa Restautantes.
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