The Department of Ancash is located north of Lima, in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, here we can find cities such as Huarmey (known for its beautiful beaches with unusual rock formations), Casma and Chimbote (a region that housed one of the most important Andean civilizations of Peru, Chavín).
Within its geographical breadth, the north center of the country is also part, here is the Callejón de Huaylas, an important area made up of 2 mountain ranges called: The white mountain range and The black mountain range, where you can find snow-capped peaks of more than 6000 masl, such as our most important snow-capped peak and the highest in the country, Huascarán (6768 masl).
Las Tortugas Beach (Casma), The Chimbote Spa, The Huascarán National Park (where the cities of Huaraz, Carhuaz, Yungay and Caraz are located), The Huayhuash Mountain Range (recognized as one of the most spectacular circuits in the world), Paron Lagoon (the largest water tank in the Callejón de Huaylas), Rataquenua viewpoint (natural viewpoint that allows you to appreciate the entire city of Huaraz), the Archaeological Complex of Chavín de Huantar, Chacas, 69 Lagoon, Laguna Churup and the Pastoruri Glacier.
Visitar el Restaurante TUNUPA, el cual cuenta con 2 locales, uno en la Plaza de Armas de Cusco o otro en el Valle Sagrado. Te comentamos que TODOS nuestros Paquetes ofrecidos es esta hermosa ciudad cuentan con un riquísimo almuerzo aquí. If you want to add it to your Package, just let us know and we’ll help you book a reservation.
Photos by Tuntupa Restautantes.
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