360 Explora is an Online Travel and Tourism Agency founded in january 28, 2018, our operations center is located in Lima, and it is from here where we take care of creating, organizing and launching the tours, packages and activities that can lead you to discover the best of our Peru.
We seek to provide you with a personalized service and the best options of activities to do during your free time.
Your tailor-made trips! You just relax, we’ll take care of everything else.
We are aware that our world needs to be treated with great responsibility if we want it to last over time for the enjoyment of future generations, therefore, we seek to be friendly and sustainable with the environment that surrounds us at all times.
With us you can participate helping the communities that need it most within Peru. Would you like to be a volunteer?
Then write to us at the following mailbox voluntariado@360explora.com.pe and we will keep you informed of all our activity schedules throughout the year.
If you consider yourself an open, pro-active person and also have studies in Tourism, Marketing and/or Administration, then you can be part of our team.
Leave us your CV at trabajoconnosotros@360explora.com.pe with the subject: Postulation 360 Explora – (Your specialty) and soon we will be communicating with you.
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